
Pakistan Aims to Manufacture Solar Panels Locally

Khurram Dastagir Khan, Federal Minister for Energy, stated at the International Solar Energy Meet Expo that renewable energy is the need of the hour for energy production in Pakistan.

During the inauguration of ISEM, the Federal Minister for Energy of Pakistan stated that the government would soon launch a project to manufacture solar panels locally.

He highlighted that the government is making efforts to shift to renewable resources and mitigate the carbon footprint in Pakistan.

While inaugurating the 2nd ISEM expo at Lahore, the Federal Minister underscored that the government would soon launch a project to manufacture solar panels locally. He also stated that the government is considering waiving the duty on imported solar panels to encourage green energy production in Pakistan. 

He further added, “This event is a step towards the future of renewable and wind energy, which will reduce the power cost of the consumers.” 

Managing Director of Punjab Power Development Board, Ms. Sania Awais, added her remarks at the ISEM inauguration, stating that commercial and domestic consumers should ensure the use of solar energy to deal with the energy crisis in Pakistan. 

The second International Solar Energy Meet Expo was held from June 2 to June 4 at Lahore Expo Center. White Paper Summits organized the two-day solar show with the lead sponsorship of Inverex Solar Energy. 

At ISEM, the Chairperson of White Paper Summits stated the importance of the solar expo as an ideal meeting place for international and local stakeholders, industry experts, executives, manufacturers, suppliers, and policymakers.

White Paper Summits is a popular event organizer organizing another solar-related conference in collaboration with the Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Pakistan (IEEEP). The conference will mainly focus on how solar energy can help Pakistan in the current energy crisis. Over 150 stalls are already booked for the upcoming solar show that is expected to be live for three consecutive days.

Also Read: Investment in Clean Energy Surpasses Fossil Fuel For The 1st Time

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