
All About Inverter VS Non-Inverter AC

Many people need clarification about the functionality of an inverter AC. Are they efficient? Read the complete article to know the difference between inverter vs non-inverter AC.

Air conditioners are of two types: Inverter AC and non-inverter AC. With increasing electricity prices, people opt for inverter air conditioners because they are energy-efficient and more reliable than non-inverter ACs.

Here, we will discuss the difference between inverter and non-inverter ACs, their functionality, and the advantages of inverter air conditioning systems.

What is the Difference Between Inverter and Non-Inverter Air Conditioners?

The main factor that differentiates inverter and non-inverter ACs is compressor speed. An air conditioner's compressor is the central part responsible for compressing the refrigerant vapors, which cools down the air. 

The answer to how inverter ACs work is that they have variable compressor speeds, whereas non-inverter ACs have constant compressor speeds. 

Based on the above facts, here compares inverter and non-inverter air conditioners.

An inverter AC is equipped with a compressor motor speed regulator that controls the compressor speed. This way, the inverter AC can sense how hot it is outside and regulate the temperature as required.

On the other hand, non-inverter air conditioners can not regulate the temperature and run at a constant compressor speed.

Inverter ACs are more efficient than non-inverter ones. It is seen that inverter air conditioners can save up to 30% of electricity, making them more efficient than their non-inverter counterparts. 

Non-inverter air conditioners work on the activate/deactivate method. It means that non-inverter air conditioners turn on/off their compressors and thus consume more electricity.

Instead of on/off operations, inverter ACs function on the pulse width modulation method, which makes it more efficient by modulating the compressor speed.

What are the Benefits of Inverter Air Conditioners?

As the world is moving towards a zero carbon emission goal, the role of inverter ACs has become prominent. Compared to non-inverter ACs, inverter air conditioning systems consume less energy. However, its upfront cost is slightly higher than non-inverter AC.

Below are some of the prominent benefits of inverter air conditioners.

Inverter ACs are quieter and can run at lower speeds than standard ACs.

Non-inverter AC is available at a meager price but consumes a lot of electricity. However, inverter ACs are costly but save much money on electricity bills.

The lifespan of an inverter AC is longer. However, it needs more maintenance.

Inverter ACs are durable, and they keep the room temperature stable. It offers a fast cooling option as well.

The inverter AC price in Pakistan varies, depending on different manufacturers. However, inverter air conditioners are the best option for local weather.


How Much Electricity Does Inverter AC Use?

Generally, A typical 1500W inverter Air Conditioner uses approximately 60 units of power (Pa) per hour.

How to Use Inverter AC to Save Electricity?

Inverter ACs do not continuously turn on and off the compressor like their non-inverter counterparts. This way, they consume less electricity. Moreover, inverter ACs are more durable and offer more extended lifespan.

Which Inverter AC is Best in Pakistan?

Here are the best inverter AC in Pakistan;

Haier Inverter AC

Gree Inverter AC

Dawlance Inverter AC


Air conditioners have become a necessity for all. Today, almost every house and building has at least one air conditioner. Due to increased global warming, the demand for air conditioners is getting higher each year. The launch of inverter ACs has made it easier for consumers to beat the heat in blistering weather. Although non-inverter ACs have been in demand in the last few decades, inverter air conditioners have replaced their counterparts by providing a reliable and more efficient room cooling solution.

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