
Consumer Feedback on Solar Systems & Net Metering in Pakistan

A recent survey on the feedback of solar panels revealed that consumers had to pay bribes for net metering. However, a considerable amount of people were dissatisfied with post-customer service.

The socio-economic progress of Pakistan witnessed improvement as the government promoted the use of solar panels. Regrettably, the narrative took an unfortunate turn when instances emerged of individuals accepting bribes in exchange for facilitating the installation of net meters for consumers.

Gallup Pakistan surveyed consumers of solar panel systems and net-metering connection holders in collaboration with the Gilani Research Foundation. The focus of the study was to find out the customers' concerns and feedback regarding installing solar panels and getting a net metering connection. 

Also Read: What is Net Metering? A Detailed Overview

In collaboration with the Gilani Research Foundation, Gallup Pakistan undertook a survey targeting consumers of solar panel systems and net-metering connection recipients. The survey aimed to ascertain customer concerns and gather feedback regarding installing solar panels and acquiring net metering connections.

The survey's findings were striking, revealing that approximately 33% of respondents disclosed instances where they were compelled to offer bribes to government agencies to secure net metering. While the standard net metering process usually spans 14 days, considerable delays and rampant corruption led to significant hardships for individuals seeking these services.

Conversely, the survey highlighted that 42% of individuals transitioned to solar energy to embrace an environmentally conscious lifestyle. Moreover, 83% of respondents were satisfied with how solar panels have cut their power expenses. Nonetheless, it was noted that the burden of high electricity bills also played a pivotal role in motivating this shift towards solar adoption.

Furthermore, the survey shed light on the post-customer service aspect, revealing a concerning trend of subpar experiences. Respondents reported encountering challenges, compounding their difficulties in the solar panel installation and net metering process.

For numerous decades, Pakistan has grappled with a persistent energy crisis. However, a notable shift has transpired as solar panels emerge as a solution for homeowners, businesses, and industries. This sustainable approach not only aids in meeting energy demands but also contributes to substantial savings on electricity expenses.

Also Read: 15 FAQs About Solar Power for Everyone Shifting to Green Energy

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