Pakistan's renewable energy sector policies outline important roles and responsibilities using industry-specific terminologies. Here is a complete glossary mentioned in power sector policies.
Find out all the important terms and words used in Pakistan’s energy sector and its policies. Here is a complete glossary list for electricity consumers.
AEDB - The Alternative Energy Development Board
AEDB Act - The Alternative Energy Development Board Act, 2010
ARE - Alternative And Renewable Energy
ARE Policy 2019 - The Current Alternative and Renewable Energy Policy Approved in 2019
AREP - A Project For Electricity Generation Using ARETs
ARET - Alternative And Renewable Energy Technology
B2B - Business-To-Business
CYREPP - Current Fiscal Year RE Procurement Plan (1st July to 30th June)
DISCOs - The Ten (10) Federally Owned Distribution Companies
EDB - Engineering Development Board
EPA - Energy Purchase Agreement
FBR - Federal Board of Revenue
FPUs - Federally-Owned Public Power Utilities
GOP - The Federal Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
IA - Implementation Agreement
IGCEP - The Indicative Generation Capacity Expansion Plan
IPPs - Independent Power Producers
IRN - Interconnection Ready Nodes, being the nodes on the transmission system where the NGC confirms its readiness to deploy the required transmission capacity and interconnection within the timeframes envisaged for commercial operations of AREPs in the upcoming auctions
K Electric - K-Electric Limited Company
LESs - Localized Energy Systems
LMM - Locally Manufactured Machinery
Market Operator - The company licensed as a ‘market operator’ by NEPRA, currently being the Central Power Purchasing Agency (Guarantee) Limited (CPPA-G)
Mature Technology - An ARET for which such number of AREPs are under construction or operation in the country as determined by AEDB on recommendation of the Steering Committee
MG - Mini / Micro Grid
NEP - National Electricity Policy
NEPRA - National Electric Power Regulatory Authority
New Technology - An ARET other than mature technology. For the avoidance of doubt, new technology does not include a hybrid AREP of mature technologies.
NGC - The National Grid Company licensed by NEPRA, currently being the National Transmission & Dispatch Company Limited (NTDC)
PSP - Power System Planning, a licensed function carried out by NGC
RE - Renewable Energy
REPA - Regulation of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power Act, 1997
REPA Amendment 2018 - Regulation of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power (Amendment) Act, 2018
RE Policy 2006 - Policy for Development of Renewable Energy for Power Generation, 2006
RFP - Request For Proposals (bids)
SECP - The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan
SO - System Operator, a licensed function under REPA
As the country moves toward renewable energy technologies, the Pakistan government has approved 2000 megawatts of solar power projects in the public sector.
Solar power generation and distribution in Pakistan is bound to policies and regulations set by the official departments of the energy sectors. Here are important key points of laws and acts set by GOP for solar power development.
Pakistan's renewable energy sector policies outline important roles and responsibilities using industry-specific terminologies. Here is a complete glossary mentioned in power sector policies.
The Federal Government is expected to issue an ordinance to regulate net metering as the increased ratio of solar panel installation caused a hike in capacity payments.
ISLAMABAD: The Economic Coordination Committee of the Cabinet (ECC) once again delayed the approval of the Solar Panel & Allied Equipment Manufacturing Policy.